Restoring Riverscapes
for function – for resilience – for complexity
Healthy riverscapes depend upon the dynamic interplay of fluvial, hydrologic, and biological processes.
Across North America these relationships are broken, and our streams and rivers are impaired.

Riverscape restoration is a holistic approach to addressing broad-scale, system-wide impairments.
This technique employs a suite of process-based actions to generate ecological uplift at the landscape scale.
Our collaborative efforts engage with the practice of riverscape restoration and its universe of opportunities and constraints through engaging, dynamic expert presentations, stories of place, and collaborative engagement sessions.

Our goals:
Expand the scale and pace of riverscape restoration and floodplain reconnection
Increase knowledge of the principles and benefits of process-based, riverscape restoration approach
Examine institutional and social constraints to implementing these restoration approaches
Explore how to encourage robust, region-wide implementation and innovations to expand the practice

The pace and scale of riverscape restoration must be increased if we are to make a meaningful difference for climate adaptation, wildfire resilience, water security, and salmon and steelhead conservation and recovery.
We seek to engage folks from all parts of the restoration community: managers and staff from federal and state agencies, tribal communities, students, watershed councils, and conservation organizations who oversee, fund, or regulate riverscape restoration.